Who is Enligtenart Media?
We are a small media company with grand ambitions. We have been round since 1996.
We manage an online magazine TMMAG www.tmmag.com.au and market, promote and locate property for UOCA www.wna.org.au a spiritual network dedicated to ascending the human spirit.
We are also involved in a lot of other projects and can assist you in many areas involving advertising, photography, webdesign, marketing, film making, scripts, novels, music, art
paintings and video. In particular we specialise in adventure travel writing, video and photography overseas particularly in Australasia, Asia and India. Soon we will be offering
adventure tours.
Also property, legal and tax advice including independent reports, management consultancy, OH&S, alternative health particularly for media companies and religious organisations.
- Creation of TMMAG.COM ezine for freelance investigative journalism and photo-journalism on environmental, consumer, international human
rights, religion and social issues; Internet interviews, research and transmission of articles
- Marketing, Finance, Design and Business plan for socially and environmentally ethical current affairs magazine for professionals TMMAG and
also for charitable spiritual organisation UOCA.
- Negotiating government grants for Educational photographic social/cultural exhibitions and video documentary
- Telesales for photographic work, external telesales and customer service contracts for the Siddha Foundation, Salmat enviro-friendly electricity,
Joshua Tree Promotion para-Olympians charity and Gold Express Vouchers
- Enviro photo advertising campaign for large petroleum conglomerate
- Script writing for Film/Mini-series (Cultural/Religious/Uranium issues)
- Video enviro-social documentary production for Optus Cable Community TV / Program reviewing Channel 31.
- Writing short stories, novels, poetry, music and autobiography
- Negotiating contracts for social/cultural exhibitions with luxury resort and hotels
- Negotiating charity for disabled TSI children
- Landscape environmental photography and paintings; selling to major corporates and law firms
- Legal advice to charities and enviro, community and social groups
- Independent Report to Federal Minister on Indigenous human rights alcohol abuse
- Attain real estate for charitable organisation UOCA
- Training in alternative stress therapies - yoga, meditation, and colorpuncture
- Attaining finance, managing accounts and tax, secretarial support and PA
- Employing staff, including personal assistant and typists