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NEED PHOTOgraphy, artwork, VIDEO, scripts, POETRY, FICTion, music, stories, history research or an investigative article about Australia and the world Covering ADVENTURE TRAVEL, human rights, religion, politics, literature, EDUCATion, Alternative health, yoga, social issues OR the environment.

NEED pROmoTion, Marketing, media releases, brochures, real estate.

NEED adventure tours or advice to AUSTRALAsia, asia or elsewhere organised.

NEED Ergonomic computer equipment or mobiles linked to computers or use of organisers or webdesign.

need advice on tax or legal matters relating to the media or arts.



Noam Blat Music Video Yungaburra



Ezine online magazine about Australia and the world. Covering human rights, religion, politics, literature, social issues and the environment.

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You Will Love UOCA

Website for the Worldwide Network of Ascension giving information on the Unification Organisation of Collective Ascension and its spiritual mission to enlighten the planet.

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List of Spiritual organisations, rating their performance. Including reviewing and detailing organisations that are corrupted.